This is an updated version of Tech Trends 2012, as I was browsing the net looking at what my fellow bloggers around the world had to say on this top, I found some interesting thing. May I just share what I think are the most prominent trends across the globe. 
1. Cloud Computing 

I know that for some people this might come as a surprise, oh yes we can not run away from reality cloud is the most prominent trend in the world. Recently I read an article about how Africa is embracing  cloud computing, cloud computing is definitely going to change the way have been storing our data and the way we have perceived the idea of storage.  Let me just give the examples of cloud at the moment we have what is called icloud, skydrive, dropbox, etc. If you haven't been using one of these I suggest you go and try it out for yourselves. Basically with cloud computing you get a chance of experiencing the joy of using the internet this is a virtual sever where can save your stuff and not even worry yourself with carrying heavy disk drive and hard drive, I am talking about accessing your information any where in the world. So what should we expect on cloud computing for the three years from now or even this year.
Here are the major changes on cloud (identified by Gartner):

Formal Decision Frameworks Facilitate Cloud Investment Optimization
  1. Hybrid Cloud Computing Is an Imperative
  2. Cloud Brokerage Will Facilitate Cloud Consumption
  3. Cloud-Centric Design Becomes a Necessity
  4. Cloud Computing Influences Future Data Center and Operational Model
 2. Bid Data
If you are in business this year this is what you should be talking about or else worrying about, it is the next big thing. We all know that data is growing very fast on the net and most of it is unstructured. Many businesses are seeking ways of structuring data. It is said that Big Data will solve the problem. So what is it? Big Data is a collection of data sets so large and complex that it becomes awkward to work with using on-hand database management tools. It is expected that this year and beyond we will see more of this trend.

3. Social Media
Social media though they are young but they are growing at a very rapid rate. I can across interesting blog “Why Your CEO Needs to Jump on the Social Media Bandwagon" and I think this might just you an idea of significant social media have become. Social media will invade the business world in just a moment as we see now in 2012 almost all prominent companies either have a Facebook page or are on Twitter. Today, it seems impossible to do business or even keep on with competition if are outside the virtual world or cyberspace. Deloitte one of the biggest IT companies in South Africa might also add to the prediction of 2012 on Social Business where give us the idea of how social media has affected their business environment. With this in mind I think we are going to more of social media in the business world this year.

4. Touch computing

In 2012 we have seen and will continue to see new input methods being introduced for computing devices. Does this mean that Tablet computers will eventually replace the tradition computers? Though it is hard now to decide but by the look of things Tablets such as iPad have become a replacement for the traditional PCs. There are much portable than the laptops and their touch feature makes them even more attractive.

Microsoft is going to release Windows 8 which will come out with their new (touch) Tablet PC.

5. Social gestures

At the moment Facebook seem to be leading in social media, in September last year Facebook Launched, "frictionless sharing" functionality which removes the need to  click a button to share media with your friends. Instead, everything you listen to, read or watch is automatically posted to your profile once you approve the relevant app.

6. NFC and mobile payments

Google Wallet, Google's mobile-payment system, may become more widespread in 2012. Although this is coming slowly but it sounds interesting, in USA most people are now using and it eventually explored to the rest of the world. 

Maybe the question we might ask our selves is "what is NFC and mobile payments"  Near field communication (NFC) is a set of standards for smartphones and similar devices to establish radio communication with each other by touching them together or bringing them into close proximity, usually no more than a few centimetres. 

It is predicted that by 2013, 1 in 5 cellphones are expected to be NFC-equipped. Early contenders include Google Wallet, Visa Wallet, Serve (by American Express) and ISIS.

7. Mobility

What we have seen this year is the rise of competition because many companies are going mobile it might be mobile apps or smart phones and tablets, this has attacked more customer in many ways. Thus businesses are striving and will continue to strive to become mobile so as to keep up with competition this year. The available stats on ZDNet, shows that about 86% of fortune 50 companies have gone mobile. This sounds very much interesting so we just have to wait and see. 

8. Voice control

This is another trend has never been noticed over the years until Apple brought it in to scene when it introduce Siri. This new feature allows iPhone users to give voice commands. It is said that this will not only end with iPhone but Apple may use voice control to replace TV remote control. We can just wait and see as technology evolves there are still more rooms for improvement.

9. Gamification

I have been hearing about this for quite some time now and I thought I should also put and the top ten trend. basically this is the use of game design techniques, game thinking and game mechanics to enhance non-game contexts. Many companies see this as an innovative tool to problem solving, and it also increases efficiency and fruitfulness since it is a two in one program.

10. CSS3 and HTML5

 Although we can not say that CSS3 and HTML5 will be the great future for the web but already we have seen the greater use of these in 2012. CSS3 and HTML5 promise to give us us nice have fancy aesthetics and animation which is something we have only dreamed of to on the web. CSS3 is rapidly growing  with its wonderful features of having a complex design but with simple and few lines of code.

Something to think about
 TV Everywhere

Do you really thing that TVs will be every where? That is what I have also been asking myself, but anyway enough about thinking and dreaming about these things because there already making their mark. 

Last year in July Dstv launched a  new USB Drifta decoder which enables users to connect to the DStv Mobile DVB-H network to view certain channels on the go. I believe that this year this invention will continue to make a huge mark. 
