What is a podcast? 

A podcast is a type of digital media consisting of an episodic series of audiovideoPDF, or ePubfiles subscribed to and downloadedthrough web syndication or streamed online to a computer or mobile device. 

What role can a podcast play in promoting yourself?

I think in this age podcasting is essecial in many ways, 1) Because of the evolution of the internet web2.0 to be specific many people have relied on the internet. Now to make my point clear I starting by talking about using podcast to promote your career, people like musicians use podcast to make themselves known to the public this to them is more like a CV/Resume. Others like me who are not interested in being known by the public also need podcastiing for many important reasons such making a digital CV for the recruiter who are in overseas for example, I can give tell them everything about me without being there with them. 2) Postcasting helps in telling a story about your family to your friends, relatives, and even your children. It helps to bring the past to the future and present. 

Podcast can also help in teaching the community about disease, environment, ecomony development, etc. One guy in Johanneseburg bought an iPhone for one simple reason to do podcasting a teach poor communities how they can improve their situation through agriculture. In 2010 before the world cup many people were using podcasting to tell a story of Africa and it worked. 

This is a new age where technology is the answer to a lot of economic problems and by embracing it fully it will eventually work for our advantage. I see podcasting replacing TVs and radios, we I might be wrong but lets just at how things are happening currently.

My video podcast 

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    I belong to God but I was raised in family, a warm and comforting family. I have more than one family but I will specifically write about the Mtambo's and the Ntuli's.


    August 2012

